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A new professional profile in Health, Safety and Environment in the Joining field
Welding is an essential joining technique in the metalworking sector. Over 2, 500, 000 jobs in Europe are, directly or indirectly, connected to it.
Regarding the quality requirements of welded products, in one hand, EN ISO 3834 “Quality Requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials” has been developed. On the other hand, no European or International standards dealing with environment and safety of personnel specifically related to welding are currently available. Thus, the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), taking advantage of its unique expertise, has developed a harmonised certification system to assure companies’ compliance with ENISO3834 and with the EWF requirements for the Environmental and Health and Safety management. This system is referred to as “EWF Manufacturer Certification System”.

About HSE-Joining
Welding is an essential joining technique in the metalworking sector. Over 2, 500, 000 jobs in Europe are, directly or indirectly, connected to it. Regarding the quality requirements of welded products, in one hand, EN ISO 3834 “Quality Requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials” has been developed. On the other hand, no European or International standards dealing with environment and safety of personnel specifically related to welding are currently available. Thus, the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), taking advantage of its unique expertise, has developed a harmonised certification system to assure companies’ compliance with ENISO3834 and with the EWF requirements for the Environmental and Health and Safety management. This system is referred to as “EWF Manufacturer Certification System”.

Health & SafetySpecialists
HSE-Joining AIM is
HSE Joining aim is: to implement a qualification to be uptaken by European employees in joining fabrication companies to prevent hazards in the workplace due to the regular exposure of joining professionals to fume, radiation, noise and vibration.

HSE-Joining Objectives
- To create a training guideline recognised at European level to qualify personnel in Health, Safety and Environment in the Joining field.
- To develop training and assessment materials
- Make use of European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and the Learning Outcomes approach to allow transparency and facilitate mobility of workers among European countries.

HSE-Joining Impact
- To create a professional profile which covers the market needs and then adapted to the national level;
- To boost Health, Safety and Environmental skills’ capital of the human resources in welding sector;
- To promote the transparency and recognition of competences by using European tools, such as the European Qualifications Framework and learning outcomes approach
- To set up an industry-based skills network, in order to promote the development of further needs.

We are a Team of International Partners
Project partners are the organisations responsible for carrying out specific project activities in the manner and scope indicated.

Istituto Italiano della Saldatura- Location
- Via Lungobisagno Istria, 15/A
- About
- The Italian Institute of Welding Group is constituted by the Italian Institute of Welding - a non profit Association- and three limited companies: IIS CERT, IIS PROGRESS and IIS SERVICE solely owned by the Italian Institute of Welding.
Our know how and expertise in the field of joining has been built since 1948 by generations of highly motivated technicians and engineers. A long journey always undertaken with impartiality and integrity.

Institul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Sudura si Incercari de Materiale- Location
- Bulevardul Mihai Viteazu 30, Timișoara, Romania
- About
- To perform high quality activities of applicative research and technological development, respectively of qualification, certification, examination and inspection services, bench tests, welding consultancy, connected procedures, material and welded structures testing in order to increase Romanian industry efficiency.

Instituto da Soldadura e Qualidade- Location
- Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, nº 33, Porto Salvo, Portugal
- About
- We provide solutions for clients in all sectors, to ensure that their assets and products comply with environmental, quality, health and safety standards and regulations.
Founded in 1965, ISQ is a private and independent company providing inspection, testing, training and technical consultancy.

Engaging People- Location
- Av. Dr. Mário Soares, nº35, Porto Salvo, Portugal
- About
- O ISQe S.A., é uma empresa do Grupo ISQ, com mais de 15 anos de experiência, especializada no desenvolvimento de recursos media interativos e na disponibilização de soluções Software as a Service (SaaS).
Tendo como valores a criatividade, inovação e a flexibilidade, aliados às fortes competências internas na área tecnológica, técnica e pedagógica, os serviços prestados pelo ISQe caracterizam-se pela qualidade das soluções apresentadas e pela criação de produtos à medida das necessidades e contexto dos seus Clientes.

Vervolmakingscentrum voor lasers- Location
- Antoon Van Osslaan 1, pb 4 - 1120 Brussel
- About
- VCL is a non profit organisation, active in the training and certification of welders since 1975. Ever since we are focussed on certification according the latest international standards in any field of welding. Whether active in the field of piping , steel-or aluminium construction, railway, aviation, medical, pharmaceutical or foodindustry, we offer all our clients a tailor made approach, starting from the particular needs of the company on one hand and the actual experience and skills of the welder.

European Welding Federation- Location
- Av. Mario Soares, Porto Salvo, Portugal
- About
- The European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) manages the International System for Training, Qualification and Certification of both welding personnel and companies using welding, in Quality, Environment, Health and Safety.
EWF was founded in 1992 and nowadays has 28 European member countries and 2 Observer Members from outside Europe, represented by thier national welding societies.
Latest News
Here you can find the latest news regarding the development of the HSE-Joining Project.
On 1st and 2nd of March, a consortium meeting took place in Genoa.
The HSE Joining partners have joined on October 23rd and 24th, for the third meeting.

We are proud to be part of this ErasmusPlus project, which is about Training & Qualification for Joining Technologies.